
25 Businesses That Run Themselves: Your Guide to Earning While You Sleep

Ever dream of generating income while you sleep? Believe it or not, several business models allow you to achieve this passive income dream. These businesses follow an exponential curve, where initial effort is high, but as you establish yourself, income and scalability increase, freeing up your time.

As an experienced online entrepreneur, I've personally explored and tested many of these businesses, offering you insights and real-world examples to guide your journey.

My Experience with Amazon FBA:

My most profitable venture was launching the Apricoco brand on Amazon FBA four years ago. While initially achieving nearly £1 million in revenue, the success attracted fierce competition, ultimately leading to the business closure this year.

Physical Products vs. Digital Products:

It's crucial to understand the trade-offs between physical and digital products. While physical products like Amazon FBA offer potentially high volume sales, they typically have low margins (10-15%) and involve ongoing tasks like managing returns, reviews, and inventory. Conversely, digital products like templates or ebooks boast higher margins but require significant effort to create and establish a unique market position.

25 Business Ideas for Passive Income:

Here are 25 business models, categorized based on their level of "passiveness":

Mostly Passive:

  • Affiliate Marketing: Promote other companies' products and earn commissions on sales.
  • Productized Services: Package your expertise into automated courses or templates.
  • YouTube Channels & TikToks: Build an audience and monetize through ads, sponsorships, or branded merchandise.
  • Newsletters & Subscriptions: Deliver valuable content and charge a recurring fee for access.
  • Software as a Service (SaaS): Create cloud-based software with recurring subscription fees.
  • Stock Market Investing: Invest in stocks and ETFs for long-term passive income.
  • Online Courses & One-on-One Coaching: Create pre-recorded courses or offer personalized coaching services.
  • Online Communities: Build a community platform and charge membership fees for access.

Partially Passive:

  • Digital Products: Sell ebooks, templates, or other downloadable content.
  • Ghostwriting & Freelancing: Offer your writing or other professional services on a project basis.
  • Managing Airbnbs: Rent out properties on Airbnb and manage bookings remotely.
  • Instagram Accounts: Grow a large following and monetize through sponsored posts or brand collaborations.
  • AI Wrappers: Develop software that simplifies complex AI tools for a wider audience.
  • Remote Work: Offer your skills and expertise as a remote freelancer or contractor.
  • Create No-Code Apps: Build simple apps using no-code platforms and sell them or offer subscriptions.
  • Sell Boilerplates: Create pre-written code or design templates for others to use.

Requires Ongoing Work:

  • Themes: Design and sell website themes for popular platforms.
  • Pharmacy Business: Manage a pharmacy, which can involve both online and offline operations.


It's important to remember that no business is truly 100% passive. Even partially passive models require initial effort and ongoing maintenance to ensure their success. However, these models offer the potential to free up your time and generate income even while you're not actively working.

Choosing the Right Path:

The ideal business model for you depends on your skills, interests, and available resources. Consider your risk tolerance, time commitment, and desired level of involvement when making your decision.

By carefully evaluating these factors and exploring the options presented, you can embark on your journey towards achieving passive income and financial freedom.

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