
From Side Hustles to Financial Freedom: The Journey of a Full-Time Analyst Turned Indie Hacker

In a bustling digital age, where everyone is chasing the Silicon Valley dream, there's a breed of entrepreneurs who are silently crafting their path to freedom. Meet Domenico, a full-time analyst from Italy, whose journey through building and selling six micro-SaaS businesses is nothing short of inspiring.

The Unconventional Road to Independence

While many dream of quitting their 9-to-5 jobs to pursue entrepreneurial ventures, Domenico is pragmatic. With a background in economics and finance, he's always been data-driven—a trait that has served him well in the risk-filled terrain of side projects. But Domenico's story isn't just about crunching numbers; it's about a relentless pursuit of personal and financial freedom, all while keeping his day job.

Experience as the True Currency

Domenico preaches the gospel of experience over money. He ventured out of his comfort zone, learning about product development, customer discovery, and market validation. He discovered that the real foundation of any business isn't the product itself but the customers and their needs. This pivotal realization has been a game-changer in his entrepreneurial journey.

The Power of Networking

From a meager 50 Twitter followers in 2021 to a thriving community of over 2,000, Domenico's network is a testament to his growth. This network isn't just a vanity metric; it's a gateway to opportunities like launching a Gumroad course (Build and Sell) and exploring new business ideas. It's proof that in the digital age, your social capital is just as valuable as your financial capital.

Domenico - I Worked On
Domenico has worked on 11 Projects

SecondSoul: Monetizing AI Clones

Domenico's latest venture, SecondSoul, taps into the AI clone trend. It's a platform where you can create an AI version of yourself to interact with your community 24/7. The idea was born out of an analytical study on AI trends and validated using a simple landing page created with, a testament to the lean startup methodology he swears by.

Validating Before Building

He emphasizes the importance of validating ideas before diving headfirst into development. With over 300 emails collected through their landing page and website, Domenico and his team knew they were onto something. This approach not only saves time and money but also ensures that they're creating a product that people actually want.

Organic Growth and Business Model

For Domenico, organic growth trumps paid advertising, especially in the early stages. His latest product saw a modest $500 spent on TikTok ads, which brought in over 12,000 users in three months. The business model for SecondSoul is straightforward: free registration with a commission fee on creators' subscriptions. It's a freemium model designed to filter out users who won't engage in the long term.

Learn More About Domenico's Journey

To follow Domenico's path and learn more about his business strategies, check out his Twitter (@DG96) and Medium blog (@gagliardidomenico). His story is not just about the successes; it's about the resilience and adaptability required to make it in the world of indie hacking.

Domenico's journey is a compelling narrative for anyone looking to balance a full-time job with the grind of building a startup. His story is a blend of caution and courage, data and determination. It's a playbook for the modern entrepreneur seeking to carve out their slice of freedom, one side project at a time.

You can follow my journey here:

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