
From Wall Street Wolf to Blogging Boss: One Finance Blogger's $3k/Month Side Hustle Journey

From Wall Street Wolf to Blogging Boss: One Finance Blogger's $3k/Month Side Hustle Journey
Photo by Tim Trad / Unsplash

Founder details

  • Forget the cubicle, ditch the morning commute. Meet Josh Dudick, former Wall Street hotshot and now the brains (and personality) behind Top Dollar Investor, a personal finance blog pulling in a cool $3,000 a month.
  • But this isn't some get-rich-quick scheme – Josh built his success story with grit, strategic content, and a genuine passion for empowering others to win financially.

From Suits to Blog Posts:

  • From crunching numbers to crafting blog posts, Josh's journey took an unexpected turn.
  • While his Wall Street career was thriving, a nagging itch told him something was missing.
  • The desire to share his financial knowledge and help others achieve their dreams sparked the birth of Top Dollar Investor.

Early Stumbles & Valuable Lessons:

  • Early attempts weren't award-winning. Dense, technical content wasn't exactly captivating.
  • Josh realized people crave not just information, but entertainment and engagement.
  • So, he adapted. He delved into niche topics, injected his writing with personality, and used eye-catching visuals to grab attention.

Learning from successful bloggers became his secret weapon.

SEO & Social Media: The Traffic Power Couple:

  • The first few months were a traffic desert. Lost in the aesthetics of his website, Josh learned a valuable lesson: action trumps planning.
  • Diving headfirst into content creation became his mantra. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) became his magic potion, propelling his content to higher search rankings.
  • Social media, particularly LinkedIn and Twitter, proved invaluable for connecting with his target audience.
  • He didn't shy away from experimentation (although Facebook remains a cautionary tale).

Monetizing Knowledge: Beyond the Ad Revenue Trap:

  • Monetisation wasn't just about slapping ads everywhere. Sure, ads and affiliate marketing played a role, but Josh's true edge came from offering unique value.
  • His experience as a portfolio manager gave him credibility, which he leveraged through private coaching sessions and selling advanced courses.

100K Visitors & Beyond: The Audacious Goal:

  • Reaching 100,000 monthly visitors within two years? That's Josh's audacious goal.
  • And how will he achieve it? By sticking to what works: high-quality content, SEO magic, and keeping his audience engaged. New courses are also in the pipeline, ready to share even more financial wisdom.

So, what are the key takeaways from Josh's hustle?

  • Ditch the overthinking, start doing. Adapt and learn from the feedback you get.
  • Find your niche and offer something unique. What sets you apart from the crowd?
  • Be patient and persistent. Rome wasn't built in a day, neither is your online empire.
  • Inform, but entertain. Captivate your audience with engaging content.
  • SEO is your friend. Learn the basics and watch your traffic soar.
  • Social media can be powerful, but choose wisely. Find where your target audience hangs out.
  • Monetization goes beyond ads. Explore avenues that showcase your expertise.

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