
MyAskAI's Path to $6K MRR

Alex Rainey and Mike Heap's MyAskAI hit $6K MRR in 1.5 months, leveraging Bubble to customize ChatGPT—marking Alex's second viral no-code app success.

  • In the burgeoning world of technology startups, a new paradigm is taking shape, one that is accessible, rapid, and without the traditional barriers of entry: the no-code movement.
  • At the vanguard of this revolution are Alex Rainey and Mike Heap, two entrepreneurs who have successfully leveraged this approach with their app, MyAskAI, to achieve a monthly recurring revenue (MRR) of $6,000 in just one and a half months.
  • this is their story of personal triumph, and hope for future innovators and business leaders.

The Genesis of a No-Code Visionary

  • Alex Rainey's trajectory from a tech consultant at a global powerhouse like Accenture to a no-code entrepreneur is a testament to the evolving landscape of tech entrepreneurship.
  • His tenure as CEO and CTO of his startup Pluto equipped him with invaluable experience, but it was during a period of paternity leave that he stumbled upon the potential of no-code platforms.
  • His first forays, two projects sold on, were just the prelude to his no-code journey.

No-code tool bubble

  • Embracing tools like Bubble, Alex transitioned from the traditional tech startup model, which often relies heavily on external investors and a bevy of engineers, to a leaner, self-sufficient approach.
  • This shift underscores a crucial insight: the realization that startups can thrive without the conventional trappings of the tech world.

MyAskAI: A No-Code Success Story

  • The conception of MyAskAI was a direct response to a need in the market—a tool that could empower users to create a personalized ChatGPT trained on their content without demanding technical expertise.
  • Using Bubble, Alex and Mike developed an application that is intuitive yet powerful, a nod to the potential of no-code platforms.The app's growth was organic and explosive.
  • Without a dollar spent on marketing, MyAskAI garnered over 13,000 users and achieved an MRR of $6,000 through strategic visibility on social media platforms like Twitter and Product Hunt, as well as listings in AI tool directories.
  • This growth trajectory is a powerful narrative about the efficacy of no-code development and the importance of strategic market positioning.

The Entrepreneurial Mindset and No-Code

  • The journey was not without challenges. The technical aspects of no-code development were not the primary hurdle; rather, it was the mindset shift—recognizing that individuals without coding expertise could indeed build and launch viable digital products.
  • For Alex and Mike, the lessons were clear: acquiring users is only the beginning, and retention poses a greater challenge.
  • Distribution and visibility are crucial for any startup, but the no-code movement has made it easier to iterate and respond to user needs rapidly, enabling better product-market fit and customer satisfaction.

The Future and Beyond

  • Looking ahead, Alex and Mike are committed to the continual development and expansion of MyAskAI, recognizing the untapped potential for growth.
  • Their advice to aspiring entrepreneurs is poignant: start small, prioritize the learning process over immediate success, and build iteratively.

Implications for the Tech Industry

  • The success of MyAskAI is not an anomaly but a signpost for the future. The no-code movement is redefining what it means to be a tech entrepreneur.
  • It is lowering the threshold for who can innovate and how quickly they can bring their visions to life.
  • By removing the need for extensive coding knowledge, no-code tools are democratizing the creation of tech solutions, allowing a more diverse group of people to participate in the tech economy.
  • The implications for the tech industry are vast. As more individuals like Alex and Mike prove the viability of no-code startups, we may see a shift in how technology companies are formed, funded, and scaled.
  • The gatekeepers of tech innovation—once the realm of those with technical prowess or access to significant capital—may find their roles changing as the barriers to entry continue to fall.

The no-code movement is also likely to spur further innovation in the tools themselves, as demand for more sophisticated and versatile platforms increases. As these tools evolve, so too will the complexity and capability of the applications built with them, potentially leading to a new wave of digital transformation.


  • The journey of MyAskAI from $0 to $6k MRR in 1.5 months is a narrative that encapsulates the spirit of modern entrepreneurship. It is a story about breaking conventions, harnessing the power of community and market trends, and most importantly, the transformative impact of no-code development on the tech industry.
  • Alex and Mike's experience serves as an inspiration and a blueprint for future entrepreneurs, signaling a new era where the power to build and innovate is widely distributed, and the next disruptive tech solution could come from anywhere and anyone.
  • As the no-code movement continues to grow, we can expect to see more stories like MyAskAI's—stories of rapid development, market agility, and entrepreneurial success that challenge the status quo and inspire a new generation of innovators.

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Follow co-founder Mike on Twitter

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