
19 Profitable Digital Products You Can Sell (Even If You're a Beginner)

Feeling lost in the digital product jungle? Relax! This guide unveils 19 evergreen ideas - printables, templates, ebooks & more - to kickstart your journey. Learn how to validate your passion, build & market effectively, and join the thriving online business world.
19 Profitable Digital Products You Can Sell (Even If You're a Beginner)
Photo by Austin Distel / Unsplash

Are you ready to unlock the world of digital entrepreneurship, but feeling overwhelmed by the possibilities? Look no further! This article dives deeper into 19 evergreen digital product ideas, perfect for beginners or anyone seeking to expand their offerings. Remember, focusing on evergreen products means creating value that stays relevant over time, increasing your long-term success.

Catering to diverse needs:

  • Printables: From planners and checklists to budgeting templates and educational worksheets, printables cater to various organization and learning needs across countless niches. Sell them on Etsy, your website, or both!
  • Spreadsheets: Budget trackers, meal planners, fitness logs, and project management sheets – the possibilities are endless! Help people stay organized and efficient in their preferred format.
  • Canva/Figma Templates: Unleash your design skills! Create in-demand templates for social media posts, presentations, website mockups, and more, catering to both Canva and Figma users. Explore UI kits, design systems, and plugins for even more options.
  • Notion/Miro/Whimsical Templates: The popularity of these productivity tools opens doors to new template opportunities. Design project management systems, study guides, brainstorming boards, and more, catering to specific workflows and user preferences.
  • Airtable databases: for example a directory full of companies and contact information, this can be sold through email marketing.
  • Educational content: sell essays, homeworks, assignements

Creative Expression & Knowledge Sharing:

  • Stock Photos/Graphics/Videos: Showcase your photography, design, or videography skills by selling high-quality stock media through marketplaces or your own platform.
  • Fonts: Have an eye for unique typography? Design and sell your own fonts on popular marketplaces, attracting designers and creative professionals.
  • Add-ons for Popular Software: Expand the functionality of software like Lightroom, Photoshop, and even Figma by creating presets, actions, brushes, or shapes that users can purchase and integrate into their workflows.
  • Patterns: Cater to specific crafting hobbies like sewing, quilting, knitting, and embroidery by designing and selling downloadable patterns that are both beautiful and functional.
  • Coloring Pages: Unleash the inner artist in adults and children alike with themed coloring pages featuring mandalas, animals, landscapes, and more. Consider diversifying by offering different difficulty levels and styles.

Sharing Expertise (Even if you're a Beginner):

  • Ebooks: Don't be intimidated by the idea of writing a full-length book! Share your knowledge on a specific topic in a concise and informative ebook, even if it's shorter than traditional formats.
  • Online Courses: Start small and create a mini-course focused on a specific skill or area of expertise. As you gain traction and feedback, you can expand your offerings and cater to more advanced learners.


  • Evergreen is key: Focus on products that remain relevant and valuable over time, ensuring long-term success.
  • Validate your idea: Before investing significant time and effort, use resources like free idea validation checklists to confirm there's a market for your product.
  • Embrace the numbers game: Create multiple variations of your product to increase awareness, gather feedback, and build a track record.
  • Leverage communities: Utilize online communities, forums, and social media groups to promote your products and connect with potential customers.

Bonus Ideas:

  • Music/Audio: Compose and sell royalty-free music or sound effects for creators and businesses.
  • Checklists/Templates for Specific Niches: Cater to specialized needs within your niche, like wedding planning checklists for photographers or social media content calendars for marketers.
  • Interactive PDFs: Explore tools like Procreate or Adobe Acrobat to create interactive PDFs with fillable forms, embedded videos, and more, adding an engaging element to your product.

With these ideas and a little creativity, you can transform your skills and knowledge into profitable digital products.

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